Tag: middle eastern

  • Global Glamour: Gorgeous Head Jewelry

    Global Glamour: Gorgeous Head Jewelry

    Global Glamour: Gorgeous Head Jewelry by Megan Panwar There’s something truly admirable to those people who are risk takers when it comes to fashion. Following certain trends is one thing but starting your own is another. Recently, I blogged about how eastern styles were slowly becoming popular and these particular styles are surely here to…

  • Fall In Love With The Aennis Eunis Collection

    Fall In Love With The Aennis Eunis Collection

    Fall in love with the fabulous Aennis Eunis Collection created by Anas Younis Shanaah!  He started his journey with a degree in architecture  in Amman, Jordan.  He developed his craft during his travels to Florence, Italy and New York City.  He pulls much of his inspiration from his Arabic culture and the result is a…